Fire Resistant Plywood - Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Use

To All Our Valued Customers, Over the past few years, the Covid 19 Pandemic has forced us to adapt and change the way we do things on a day-to-day basis. Florida Lumber is no exception. To make sure that we remain strong and competitive in the market for the years to come, Florida Lumber has had to adjust and change our vision for the future. In the last 2 years, we have stopped selling Sheetrock and drywall products, roofing felt and roofing materials, and have even closed on Saturdays.
Over the last few months, we have been transitioning our way out of the door supply business so on August 31, 2022, our door shop will stop assembling doors. We will continue liquidating our doors from inventory until we are out of material.
Some customers have asked if we are closing or even moving locations. To set the story straight, we are not closing or selling the business and we are not moving. These changes are all part of our new vision and path to continue serving South Florida and increasing our footprint in the construction supply industry.
Our focus is going to be on Lumber, Construction Materials, Rebar Fabrication and Rebar Accessories. As we have liquidated some of the items that we don’t sell anymore we have created more space to buy a larger volume of our core items and pass on the savings to our customers.
In the next year you will start seeing changes that will help improve our ability to serve you, our customers. We appreciate your business and your patience as Florida Lumber’s new vision becomes reality.
A Todos Nuestros Valiosos Clientes En los ultimos anos, la pandemia de el Virus (Covid 19) nos ha forzado a adaptarnos y cambiar la forma de hacer cosas en el dia a dia. Florida Lumber no ha sido una excepcion.
Para asegurarnos de mantenernos fuertes y competitivos en el mercado en los anos venideros, Florida Lumber ha tenido que ajustar y cambiar nuestra vision para el futuro. En los dos ultimos anos hemos dejado de vender los productos de yeso (sheetrock), paneles de yeso (drywall), tela asfaltica (roofing felt), materiales de techo y cerramos los Sabados. En los ultimos meses, hemos estado en transicion para salir del negocio de suministro de puertas, en Agosto 31, del 2022 nuestra tienda de puertas dejara de construir y/o cortar puertas. Vamos a continuar liquidando nuestro inventario de puertas haste que terminemos todo el material. Algunos de nuestros clientes han preguntado si estamos cerrando o si nos estamos moviendo a otra localidad. La verdad es que no estamos cerrando, no estamos vendiendo y no estamos cambiando de localidad. Estos cambios son todos parte de nuestra nueva vision y camino a continuar sirviendo al estado sur de la Florida y incrementar nuestras huellas en la industria de suministros de construccion.
paneles de yeso (drywall), tela asfaltica (roofing felt), materiales de techo y cerramos los Sabados.
En los ultimos meses, hemos estado en transicion para salir del negocio de suministro de puertas, en Agosto 31, del 2022 nuestra tienda de puertas dejara de construir y/o cortar puertas.
Vamos a continuar liquidando nuestro inventario de puertas haste que terminemos todo el material. Algunos de nuestros clientes han preguntado si estamos cerrando o si nos estamos moviendo a otra localidad.
La verdad es que no estamos cerrando, no estamos vendiendo y no estamos cambiando de localidad. Estos cambios son todos parte de nuestra nueva vision y camino a continuar sirviendo al estado sur de la Florida y incrementar nuestras huellas en la industria de suministros de construcción.
2431 N.W. 20TH ST.
MIAMI, FL 33142
PHONE: (305) 635-6412
Sales Fax: (305) 633-4054
Accounting Fax: (305) 635-3723

Fire is power and value when used correctly, else it’s dangerous. Cooking a pot of soup on the fire during camping is an enjoyable moment, however, the same turns fierce and destroys plants and animals during forest fires.
In the civilized world, we build homes to live securely. We build homes from different materials, and wood is a popular choice for many. We use wood for our flooring, walls, and roof, but wood is prone to destruction by fire, hence we ensure that it’s safe for use. To meet the demand for stylish architecture with safety, fire retardant plywood emerged.
If you seek to embellish your home or office with plywood, use the fireproof version.
Why do you need fire-rated plywood?
Buildings and homes are designed stylishly with safety in mind, as fire is a great threat to edifices. Consequently, fire-resistant wooden products such as fire-rated plywood are extensively used in construction projects to improve safety and curtail damage caused by fire accidents.
Being lightweight and chic, fire-rated plywood is commonly used in public buildings like schools, auditoriums, restaurants, and hospitals. It is used for ceiling or interior wall panels and wall partitions.
For installing this plywood, you should analyze your construction project requirements, such as, location (outdoors/indoors) – as that would determine the density and type of fire-retardant plywood required. For instance, plywood for interior use must not be installed in the garden, as it cannot survive the weather. However, there are plywood products like Exterior Fire-X lumber for use in scaffolding, fascia, roof sheathing, trim, and siding.
Why opt for fire-retardant plywood?
Fire-rated plywood is infused with fire-retardant chemicals at a defined pressure to offer enduring protection. This wood is tested for a Flame Spread Index of 25 to make it absolutely safe, and hence it’s subjected to fire for 25 minutes or more to check for damages. On the contrary, plywood coated with fire-retardant coating offers only superficial protection.
- Lowers the damage due to accidental fire outbreaks
- Since an accident comes unannounced, hence prevention is better than cure, always. Natural hazards like water and fire cause severe damage to property and human life. Hence, to protect a commercial space or home, installing fire retardant plywood is a wise choice.
- The low-flammability feature of this wood reduces the probability of spark. Manufacturers infuse nano-engineered particles into the wood under pressure to treat it for flammability, which lowers the damage caused in your home or office due to accidental fire.
- Waterproof and Weather-Resistant
- Fire retardant plywood is manufactured to deal effectively with fire accidents and also against the weather and water. This highly durable product offers enhanced protection to your property in all seasons. Thus, it's used extensively in buildings that are frequently exposed to water and weather, like restaurants or offices.
- Termite proof
- Termites and borer easily cause massive damage to furniture installed in homes and offices and causes tears to its owners and financial loss. What if, the fire-retardant plywood also offers enhanced protection against insects? This plywood is treated with insect repellent chemicals and hence makes it a popular choice for designing homes, restaurants, and offices. It comes with a sure-fire warranty against infestation attacks.
- Renders time for victims to flee
- Fireproof plywood prevents the penetration and spread of flames. Hence, people stuck in the fire accident get time to escape it before the plywood reduces to ashes. Further, emergency response teams get ample time to assist victims to get out of the building and take control of the fire spread.
- Low smoke generation and emission
- Fire accidents cause the emission of toxic gases like carbon monoxide that cause suffocation to victims trapped in the building, often leading to death. Further, smoke and gas hinder the evacuation process. Fire-retardant chemicals on plywood minimizes such emissions, which ensure quicker and safer escape during an accident.
- Easy customization
- Fire-retardant plywood being lightweight can be easily transported. It supports a cross-layered build that allows effortless drilling, cutting, and fastening. It doesn’t spill when drilled, hence architects and carpenters can work with it easily. It can be resized and painted to match the desired design and aesthetics.
Additional Read
10 Types of Cedar Lumber to Choose From
This guide renders insight into the use and purchase of Fire-retardant plywood. Depending on your requirement, you can install it both outdoors and indoors, and enjoy its aesthetics while it offers you safety against fire accidents.
If you are looking for good quality plywood sheets for your next project, Florida Lumber is the best place for it!!